Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why I Haven't Been Blogging...

I'm reading stories, doing puzzles, changing diapers, and organizing stuffed animals by the categorization of "farm" or "wild". :)
Not to mention the seemingly sudden entry of our oldest into the 'terrible-twos'. This current and ongoing development of her character is making each day a constant effort to give her all the love and adoration my heart is full of - while consistently continuing to parent her. She's a lot of fun - but a lot of work lately.

Exhausting? Ha! Just look at me in the picture below for your answer!

But I don't care. This is a phase. A short one. I am shocked at how quickly Peyton became a "big" girl... I'm cherishing this time with my daughters.
Daughters. Plural.

Thank you, Jesus, that they are both with us...
Someday - maybe not too far away, actually - I'll get back to it. I'll all of a sudden have a few spare minutes a day when I'm not thinking about making lunch, taking a nap, doing laundry or getting on that pesky treadmill.
Those are all things which make me feel better in the end - but boy! Are they ever a lot to deal with some days! (lol!)

There have been lots of things running through my head in the moments when I'm not "mommy-ing". I'm trying to hide them in my heart to share later. I trust that the important things will not completely vanish into the fog...

But for now - I'm really loving this special time with my two little girls. :)

For those of you who still check: thank you. We're well. Keep checking - 'cause you just never know when I'll pop back in... ;)


Mrs Manz said...

I love the look on Tenley's face in the first picture.
"What 'chu doin', momma?"

allisonwhitehawk said...

I always enjoy any little updates you have time for. :) I was noticing Tenley's cute little face in that picture too. She keeps getting cuter and cuter!

I will be thinking of you and praying for you with Peyton. I always get a little overwhelmed when I think ahead to the days where I will be teaching Eva values and right & wrong and trying to train her in the way she should go. Whenever I see you with Peyton, you are always a great example I can look up to and I try to store away your methods in my mind for later use. :)

Love you lots,

Mrs Manz said...

Awww... thanks so much for your encouragement, Allison. I'm humbled - it really means a lot to have you say this.
love you too. :)

Victoria said...

I was prepared for the "terrible two's", but no one warned me about the "three's". Oh wow. Stubbornness at its worst! Not saying this to discourage you, just warn you ;). They are hilarious at 2 and 3 though, so it makes up for the all the correction you are constantly giving them.

Unknown said...

You have great perspective! Praise God! Enjoy this stage. It does go by quicker than you think. Be strong for your girls and build the relationship.
I love you.

Julie Cortens said...

I know exactly what you mean. Why just yesterday I had a two yr old with three big brothers running around and then.... all of a sudden I was in the delivery room with her watching her labor and give birth to my grand-daughter!
Cherish the mayhem! Carpe Diem!

Mrs Manz said...

Thanks for the advice, ladies. The funny thing is, Julie, that even *I* remember Allison being small... so it's good perspective. :)

Beth said...

Such sweet pictures!!! Looks like you and your girls have some fun/busy days together. I totally understand not being able to blog very much lately. I have been the same way...but mostly cause I have been sick for the past two months with a pesky thing called morning sickness ;-)

Beth said...

Thanks Kendall...We are excited!! I am due Aug 6th and am just about through my 1st trimester and so thankful for that. I am starting to feel better, but looking forward to feeling great again :-)

Beth said...

Thanks Kendall...We are excited!! I am due Aug 6th and am just about through my 1st trimester and so thankful for that. I am starting to feel better, but looking forward to feeling great again :-)

Talitha said...

your little girls are so stinkin' adorable and cute!