Thursday, June 10, 2010


On that heels of that somewhat sober post, I just want to exclaim that Word Cup starts tomorrow!

(If you had told me 7 years ago that I would be excited about a soccer tournament, I would have seriously laughed out loud. But I've evolved! ;))

Kurt is going to be predictable and cheer for Germany. He really doesn't have a choice, though. That's all he is.

I, however, have cast about my considerable and eclectic Canadian heritage and have decided I'm going to cheer for England. I found out that my great-grandfather was born and raised in Manchester, UK.

(On an interesting side note, I've also found out that Manchester United are the Montreal Canadians of soccer. You either love them, or... really don't love them. I asked a guy Kurt used to work with who was from England who his favorite team was and he answered - word for word - "Anybody but Man-U." lol!)

So let the fever begin.
God save the Queen! :-D


Sarah Robbins said...

I like Manchester United, too, but I always cheer for Italy because I am a whole 1/4 Italian. :) Did you know this will be the first sporting event televised in 3D? You can go watch at Best Buy for some of the games.

Mrs Manz said...

No kidding! Well, they had better hurry up and finish building the new Best Buy in Saskatoon! :) Thanks, Sarah!
As far as I know there is absolutely NO Italian in me - so they were out.
Other possibilities were: Scotland, the Ukraine, The US, and Germany. I suppose I can always switch later if things get ugly. :)

Victoria said...

We'll be cheering on the US, but I can only imagine how devastated the UK would be if it lost to us! We'll also cheer on the All Whites (NZ) since Erik went on a mission trip there several years ago.