Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's Viral

Kurt and I found out on Sunday that we both have a viral thing: therefore no antibiotics. I'm happy the doctor felt that way - I think I would have jumped in between Kurt and the prescription pad if the doctor had tried to go that route. It does happen, you know.

It's not that I have a problem with drugs (or I would be in the WRONG line of work) - but there is such a growing problem with drug-resistant infections that I hate to add to it.

Anyway, on the bright side, it seems to be lifting. I'm still coughing - but not productively (TMI! Sorry!) and I am hoping that keeps since I am working 6 days in a row.



Ashley said...

That's terrible you are both sick! I hope you recover quickly!!

Unknown said...

I'm very sorry you're sick. That's no fun when everyone but the baby is sick..been there. I pray you'll recover quickly.
Love you.