Tenley is napping and Peyton is enjoying her daily dose of the Mickey Mouse Club - so I've literally got about 8 minutes to give a quick update.
We got through the family's second round of colds last week. Not as scary as the first: no hospitalizations now that Tenley can actually turn her head to cough. It made for some grumpy days with Peyton - who one day told Kurt, "I feel crummy, Daddy." Truer words were never spoken. She used up almost a whole bottle of childrens Advil - but the drippy nose has finally stopped. So glad that's over... and praying spring will quickly arrive! (Hard to imagine with the 6-foot snow pile by the driveway - but a girl can hope, right?)
Speaking of snow: I won't say this often because I am severely lacking storage space: but I am very thankful we don't have a basement this year. When all that snow starts to melt, I don't have to worry about getting a sump pump in gear. That said: we might just up and float away in this-here trailer... but that's another trial for another day. ;)
These days find me working on being a good mom. And I don't mean that lightly. I ordered the book "Don't Make Me Count to Three" a few weeks ago. The first 3 chapters have already just reinforced to me what a major responsibility it is to be these girl's mommy. Needless to say, feeling that has caused me to seek out God more: making a daily time to read and pray for
I've cut waaay back on facebook and (duh.) blogging time. We've been baking and doing laundry and singing and dancing the days away. We're currently working on perfecting Usher's amazing leg-jives from the video "DJ's got us falling in love." (I did not claim that everything were were doing was profitable.)
We're not going stir crazy yet - but when we get close I enforce the non-optional nap time. It's good to be the boss. (Baa-ha-ha.)
And... (3 minutes left)... it's cold. Super-cold. Even by middle-Saskatchewan standards. -36 this morning. (-32.8 F) before windchill.
That's crazy cold.
Kurt has to haul pigs today - so I'm praying he and they all stay safe and warm as they travel. I'm also thanking the Lord for a furnace that is running consistently (albeit often!) - and a vent right by my feet as I type.
I have to admit that I'm counting down the days until we leave this vast and barren land for the hot version of it down south. Arizona, here we come! :) T-minus 17 days until departure...
Okay - must run - but a picture before I depart!
Ack! Tenley is crying in the other room: short and sweet. Talk to you
I loved that book. Obviously, Debby is a little young for it right now, but I found it so encouraging. I have her Wise Words for Mom hanging on my refrigerator, just waiting for when Deb's sinful nature displays itself. . .
I cannot believe how cold it is there. WOW! My little native Arizona brain cannot comprehend that level of coldness. . .
Speaking of Arizona, I am SO jealous of the girls there getting to see you. {sigh} Maybe you can venture to North Carolina some day!
Looking at the last picture Kellan said "Friends!"
Yippeeeee! 17 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was just thinking today how thankful I am for a furnace that does exactly what it is supposed to do because if it didn't.... well that would be a dangerous thing.
Yeah! Arizona!
Sarah: someday we'd sure love to!:)
Jen: Awwww! :)
Laur: :-D
Julie: I told Peyton yesterday, "We're going to go see Mrs. Cortens in Arizona and swim in the pool!" She nodded and then wanted to know if you were going to come to see the 'kanga-jews' at the zoo with us. (lol!)
Can't believe it's been literally AGES since we`ve seen you guys. We think about you all and pray for you often. Have a great time on your trip, and try to internalize some of the warmth!
With love,
The Brouwer Family
Tenley looks just like a doll in that last picture!
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