- I let Peyton cry herself to sleep for the first time today. She was happy for the first 4 minutes, cranky for the next 5, and enraged for the next 6. Then she was silent. I peeked on her and she was sleeping peacefully in her crib. Score! (I should note that I tried it yesterday and stood - like a total dork - by the baby monitor on the counter for 15 minutes as she screamed. I couldn't take it - I went and picked her up as her sobs got more heartbroken.) This time, I plunged my hands into dishwater and literally couldn't go to her. I'm glad for the distraction of housework (tongue in cheek). Plus, today I was sure she was really and truly just tired: not hungry, wet or gassy. I feel like I've passed yet another mommy rite-of-passage.
- Have I mentioned the snow and the cold? Sheesh. They both just keep coming - minus 30 Celsius (-22 F) with windchill today. At least Peyton is dressed for it. :) Yes, red pants with a pink vest and pink baby Ugs. I love it. Clearly she does, too. (chuckle)
- I need to get a Bumbo.
- We're going back to Arizona in March! We need to get Peyton's passport. I hope she flies well... (this thought will have to be truncated for time's sake)
- Whoever invented the diaper genie deserves every cent their patent earned them.
- (Almost) 3-month old girl spit-up is one of my least favorite smells. And I think my shoulder is giving off a suspicious odor right now...
- I like margarine better than butter.
- Facebook - while enjoyable - was a little more overwhelming than I thought it would be. But thanks to everyone who has accepted or sought my friendship. :)
- Today, while nursing Peyton, the song I had used for Autumn's slide show came on the radio station I had playing. I cried and thanked the Lord for both girls: but the pain was fierce for a few minutes. That song expressed the depths of my heart during that time. The cry for faith: the trust that the Lord would take care of me because He is there always. My favorite line? "You were there in the midst of the unclear." Amen. I've only just mustered up the courage to put it on my player on the side - it really evokes a lot for me.
- I had the most tender moment yet with Peyton. While nursing her the other night I had my eyes closed and my head leaning back on the rocking chair. She paused (as she often does) so I didn't think much of it. I heard a soft coo, and looked down to find my baby girl looking up with a big smile on her face. She then proceeded to "talk" to me with big smiles and happy eyes. I couldn't help it - I laughed with tears. It felt like it came from my soul. Praise God.
- There is some sadness in setting aside outfits that are now too small for Peyton. But mostly thankfulness (and the knowledge that if I have another girl someday she'll be just as well-dressed as her sister).
- The lactation consultants (and me when I told ladies this in the hospital) are correct: although it seems as though your baby isn't getting enough milk when breastfeeding, if you keep at it (even if she has to eat every hour for a day-and-a-half... sigh) your supply will increase. We had a couple of trying days, where she needed to eat a lot more often, but she's evened out, and my supply is rocking. Truly. I'm actually gonna have to start freezing some of this stuff. :) It's so neat how God created women to meet that need... I'm amazed at my body's capability to produce.
- I'm gonna go fold the first of my 4 loads of laundry now.
- Later gators!
Watching the Rose Bowl with daddy... whom she loves in case that isn't clear. (chuckle)
Yes, ma'am! Letting her cry herself to sleep is in fact a BIG rite of passage! Congrats! And believe me, I know you deserve it! Love you!! Yay for dishwater!! tehehe
Erik had a harder time letting Samantha cry herself to sleep than I ever did. Yes, it made me cry too sometimes, but I kept reminding myself that she needed to learn how to self soothe.
Hurray for your Arizona trip. I'm sure it will be a nice break from -22 degree weather. It's supposed to be 85 degrees here today :).
Taeya cried herself to losing her voice or puking, so we stopped that. Ezra gets pretty worked up too, but I haven't pushed it too much - i just give him his soother :)
Bumbo's are THE BEST! used is even better because they are stupidly expensive.
I was thinking about milk supply the same way the other day. I never thought I would be on the understanding end of saying that my body just cannot keep up with my boy! But at least he is getting all that i can produce! If you have more than enough, certainly freeze some - it will come in handy for those nights out you'll go on with Kurt :)
I was never very good at letting my babies cry themselves to sleep - anything more than a few minutes just didn't seem right to me. I guess everyone has to find what works for them and not feel pressured to do what the books or others suggest.
I went through this almost 50 years ago. I am so proud of you. Thank God for wisdom. I still think Peyton is the most serious child I have ever seen, at least in pictures. Enjoy Arizona and say Hi to my Vicki for me.
Vicki's mom
Have you considered that babies cry for another reason? Perhaps it is not the obvious like gas, hunger or wet diaper. Your daughter will not always want you to be close - so my suggestion is to enjoy and appreciate the fact that your daughter needs you - someday she won't need you in her life. Babies are truly special and are meant to be held, loved and nurtured - not ignored - especially when they cry!!
Peyton is obviously well taken care of! (And, adorable!)You are such a good mommy. It's good to train her to settle herself to sleep. Crying definitely doesn't hurt them! That took me a long time to learn so you've done quite well.
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