Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Can I Get a" Whoop-Whoop!"?

I have had these stretchy, pregnancy exercise pants since I was about 4 months pregnant with Autumn. WalMart special, no less.
I wore them to death... seriously. They were ratty and old and had literal holes in them - but like any security blanket I wanted to hang onto them "just in case".
Well... glory be... I tried on a pair of pre-Autumn pants - and they fit. I screamed a little and hollered for Kurt to get a camera to take picture of this happy occasion.
Me - gleefully pitching my over-used pregnancy pants into the garbage.
If I could cackle, I would do it. ;)


Allie said...

Haha ... you're hilarious! And here I am proudly finally wearing maternity pants at 6 months pregnant ;)

Love you!

Jen said...

YAY!!! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Whoop-Whoop! You go girl!!!

rachel joy said...

Well done! Also? I envy your garbage can cupboard. I gotta get me one of those.

Shiela said...

check out those pipes!!!

Anonymous said...

I envy those well defined biceps! Sassy! :)

Vicki said...

Whoop-whoop!!! Lol!!! That cracked me up!!!