Thursday, July 8, 2010

I LOVE Polls!

So - we had the ultrasound on Tuesday. Our goal (after making sure he/she was healthy) was to find out whether he/she is a he or a she!

Even if you already know - go ahead and add your answer. I'll post the true result after a satisfying number of guesses. (Bah-ha-ha! I feel like Ryan Seacrest!)

BTW: if you want to leave a comment telling me who you are which answer you picked, I'd love to know who thinks what! :)


Victoria said...

I voted for a boy. No reason except that's what we have ;).

Anonymous said...

I voted boy, because I was absolutely convinced Peyton was a boy, and she turned out to be a girl so since my gut is telling me "girl" this time, I'm going with the opposite and hopefully I'll be right!

See how convoluted my mind is? I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee yet!

Vicki said...

I voted girl because when I thought about it, that's where my thoughts led me.

However, I'm HOPING it's a boy so you can experience that joy too!! :)

Carol said...

I voted "girl" - just because I had 3 boys, I always assume others will have 3 of the same sex!

Alissa said...

Hoping you have a boy this time around :)

Molly said...

I have no reason for picking boy, but I did anyway. It would be fun for a boy to go out on the farm with Kurt!

kelly ens said...

i kind of think you're having a girl, but i voted that you're having a boy because i want you to have a boy!

ByHISgoodGrace said...

I voted boy. : )

Amber. said...

I vote GIRL :) :) Mostly because I'm a momma of 3 girls too. xoxo

Yvonne said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now and don't think I've ever commented so I figured I would "introduce" myself. I voted boy!