Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It's been HOW long?

Good evening!

I was kinda surprised the other day by a couple of girlfriends who said, "You haven't posted anything in a while." Shoot! People actually check this blog. Besides relatives. :)

(Thank-you, Moms!)

I've had a couple of questions as to if/when I'll post ultrasound pictures on the blog. Unfortunately, they weren't digital pictures - and my scanner doesn't do as good of a job as I would like. Suffice to say that they are clearly "ultrasound pictures"... blurry, hard to distinguish... and that is about it. Sorry about that - maybe later I'll have some pregnancy pictures. Hopefully, this picture of a 20 week old baby (inside a wonderfully-slender mother, I might add) will suffice for those who are wondering what Baby Manz looks like. What God creates is amazing, isn't it?

Kurt said he was surprised picking me up at the hospital this morning how much my belly was stretching my coat. Depending on how I'm feeling, I think that is either really cool, or really kinda depressing. I'm only 4 months along! I do know that I've sent a desperation email to my mother-in-law requesting some roomier work clothes as I only have 2 pairs of scrub pants that fit properly, and the tops are going to be harder to pull over the baby-bump on a weekly basis.

I do praise God, though - reading the update on our 20 week old baby was exciting and amazing. You can check it out via the links on the side of the blog at Baby Center Canada - just choose 20 weeks as your choice, and you have lots of baby information.

I've been working a lot at the hospital. I'm currently in a stretch of 4 nights - which in my present condition creates a mildly-exhausted Mrs Manz... but I have great plans on future blog entries. Dog, soccer husband, work, more baby info... hopefully! Take care all!


Victoria said...

Isn't Baby Center great? I check the website every week to see what the baby looks like in the womb. It's so fun to see how our baby is growing and what new features are developing each week. My "bump" is quite noticeable now. Now people can feel comfortable asking me if I'm pregnant since I really look like I'm pregnant.

As a side note, I was reading someone else's blog last week thinking it was yours for some reason. She had posted something about a miscarriage she had last year. I was sad and thought, Kendall didn't tell me she had a miscarriage before. Yeah, another pregnancy moment. I realized that your husband's name isn't Mark and that the blog wasn't yours.

Mrs Manz said...

LOL! :)

Well - thanks for your concern,Victoria! I was actually just reading your blog, too - thinking, "Oh - I am SOOO glad I'm not the only one with absentmindedness!"

And speaking of bumps: mine is big enough that the nurses I work with are thinking I'm a whole month further along than I am... sheesh. I have about 4 inches between top of pelvis to bottom of ribs - so baby can only go straight out.

BTW: Do you get the weekly emails from Baby Center? They send us one as each week passes - saves me having to go look at the site...

Victoria said...

I get emails from them, but I always end up deleting them without reading what they say. Maybe I should read them...

I have a hard time figuring out how the baby fits inside and how my uterus is already bigger than a soccer ball!? Guess that's why they kick harder when they get bigger. There's not much room.

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey,
Just want yo to know that I've been thinking of you and praying for you lots!
It's nice to read an update on your blog!
Hope that you can get your rest in the day time as you work through your stretch of nights.
Love you!!