Sunday, December 2, 2007

Who is Going to Be Visitor Number 8000?

... some one from Lakewood Washington... almost the second I wrote that question!
Yay! Thanks to all the readers - and pray-ers... we're still so in need!
the Manzs'


Unknown said...

How do you get that counter thingie on your blog? Does it tell you who's lurking?
Still praying for you guys.

H said...

I'm from Lakewood! I was number 8000 :) I'm friends with Victoria Swanson - that's how I heard about your blog. You have been in me and my husband's prayers!

ByHISgoodGrace said...

Dearest Kendall and Kurt,
I found your blog as I saw your comments on Beth's page. I have been reading your postings and I just cannot stop sobbing...I am in complete awe of you, of your faith and your vast knowledge spoken so clearly through thick grief. I have never felt so uplifted by someone's writings about our Savior.
I am truly sorry for the loss of your baby girl. Unimagineable grief.
You are beautiful Christians--so honoring to our Lord. Thank you so much for sharing, thank you so much for knowing His truth and obviously living it. I want your faith!
I don't usually write so much on a comments page but I didn't find an email link...
In Him,