Me - the chubby-wubby hobbit checking my email. (last night)
"Samwise is my name... following Frodo is my game..." :-D
Okay - and the reason it is black and white is because it was kinda washed out and this was the best way to display.
It has nothing to do with my complexion or the fact that my feet are (again!) looking like freshly risen dough... ahem.
This one (below) Kurt took today - our 17-week picture (for the baby book):
Hmm.... perhaps I've grown into this pregnancy after all. Gadzooks - what a bump! Kurt told me today, "Your tummy has really gotten big this week!"
Thanks! :)
So nice to pass the "Has she just gained a ton of weight?" into the "So when are you due?" phase. Some stoned (as in "having recently partaken marijuana") guy in WalMart asked me that very question. So if he could see it, imagine what the rest of the world thinks. ;)
Anyway, the first few weeks of pictures have me looking like, "Hurry up and take the picture before I toss my cookies."
I definitely like my hair better this time around. When I cut it (not knowing I'd be pregnant in a few days/weeks) I thought "no big deal - it grows an inch a month". It hardly grew at all during that entire pregnancy! It took 9 months to reach just above my shoulders. Strange.
It grew like crazy after Autumn was born, and has continued since I've been pregnant. Maybe it's a boy this time? Gotta be something different...
So there you are! Some pictures! :)
In other BManzII news - I've felt the little one moving around pretty consistently since 15 weeks. Actually I think it was more around 14 weeks - but all the books say that is way too early. So I bow to obstetrical wisdom - 15 weeks it is!
It's such a blessing - it is making this child seem so much more real. Creating a distinction between Autumn and her little brother/sister is bittersweet. I am missing her so much - reliving what my experiences were with her only a year ago. And yet I know that this child isn't her... and I'm thankful for the opportunity to have another one.
Last week I was actually really afraid. I spent so much time waiting for the first movement - and when they started I was so thankful. But Friday and Saturday I didn't feel a thing. Thankfully, I was distracted by lots of stuff (like moving!) - but it gave me lots of opportunity to pray - and I realized that this is going to be a battle until the end of the pregnancy. After lots of prayer and waiting - early Sunday morning I felt some flutters again. He/she hasn't stopped very much since... for which I am so grateful. I give myself permission to touch my tummy, and talk to him/her - and maybe even dream a little about what it will be like to hold our second child in a few months. Cautious - but hopeful.
I read on one of the pregnancy updates for 17 weeks that the baby can hear loud sounds now - so Kurt spent a little bit of time yelling loving words at my tummy this morning. ;) (kidding - he didn't yell...) but we're really hoping everything is developing normally. As you can tell, size shouldn't be a problem. (chuckle) But I've spent some time worrying that his/her kidneys, or heart, or brain or spinal cord... (name it!) will have something wrong... and again - giving it all back to God has been an effort - but knowing He hasn't dropped us so far is a great comfort. Lord willing, we'll make it through next week's ultrasound with minimal stress and come out joyful. :)
So thanks for checking and reading everyone. I really appreciated all the emails while I've been "gone". Hopefully gaps will be soon reduced.
Talk to you soon!
Hi Kendall,
I am so excited for you guys for the birth of your second child. I am praying for you that ALL will go well!! I would really like to be able to meet you. You seem like an AMAZING woman!!! Kathy Goertzen
Hi Kendall,
I love your blog (I've been lurking for a while) :) Everytime I visit, I end up leaving the page open for a bit because the music is so good! Thanks for sharing it and your thoughts; you are truly inspiring!
I've been checking your blog often in hopes of a pregnancy pic - yay! Congrats!
We have also been blessed with a second baby (after our stillbirth in January - I commented on here once before) so I love to read your thoughts, dreams and helps me to figure out my own. It's definately a faith builder isn't it?
OB wisdom can say what it wants; I've been feeling our little one move consistently since 14 weeks, almost to the day!
You look absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!! :) I'm SO excited for you guys!!!
Much love,
I love the bump! Glad to see some pictures and to hear about baby's activities :).
You may not feel beautiful, but you sure do look it! I remember panicking if I didn't feel Daria move for a while, and worrying before every doctor's appointment that something was going to be wrong. Pregnancy requires a whole new level of trust, and no matter what your circumstances, it's so difficult!
I keep praying for you guys ... hope the ultrasound goes well and joyfully!
Oh Kendall, I'm SO happy to see an update. I check the blog every morning and today when I opened it, I actually said "KENDALL" out loud when I saw the update!! LOL, what a dork!! ;) I've just been thinking about you and wondering how you are. Your bump is BEAUTIFUL!!!! And leave it to a man (especially a stoned one *chuckle*) to ask when are you due? *sigh* I think you look fantastic and I'm so happy to see your smile and your hands on your belly. You are embracing this pregnancy and it warms my heart. Your fears brought tears to my eyes and I hope that God will be able to lessen your fears. I can't begin to imagine, but as a mother, I can guess.
Can't wait for the u/s news and will be so excited to read new updates!!!!
Praying for you and your precious bundle,
Don't you love Andrea's picture? I felt my babies at 14 weeks too. So there! Thanks for the photos. You look maavelous daaling (to quote Billy Crystal). I too am really excited for you to hold that baby in your arms and experience the things you weren't able to with Autumn.
It's good to see you settled a bit too. I'm still praying...
{{{Bigger hugs than Vicki}}} :)
Uhggg I can be such a doofus! I was thinking Vicki was the Vicki here and I looked again and realized it isn't...The hugs thing was meant to be a joke between the Vicki I know and myself...Uhggg sorry Vicki..Please forgive me. :(
Kendall, you might want to check my comments before allowing them to appear on your blog. (sheepish grin)
Love ya.
you look FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! :) are looking so cute!!! I finally posted a prego picture of me too. It is SO nice like you said to be past the "is she chubby or pregnant" phase. I am so glad you are feeling movement all the time now. That was such a comfort to me especially now that it is stronger and more consistant. Up untill that time I used my heart doppler like almost every day...hehe. I hope that you are feeling well beside the normal pregnancy woes....:-)
Thanks for the pics! We keep you in our prayers down here!
Hi Kendall
I stumbled upon your blog months ago through Rosanna's blog (I know her husband's family) and your story has touched my heart. I am thrilled for you in this second pregnancy, my heart has broken for you with every post about Autumn. Your evidence of faith throughout has been a real testament. Praying for a healthy baby for you! You look absolutely beautiful in the pictures.
God bless
Oh, you look so beautiful! I 'm so glad to read this update, and I'm praying hard for you through this pregnancy!
Kendall, to clarify, this is the Vicki in AZ. I'll just say "MUCH bigger hugs than Laurie :-)" (love ya Laur!)Back to the subject. You look great! I am so glad to see you back online and to see that you are doing well! Thanks for sharing all that's going on in your life.
LOL Laurie - no offense taken at all!!! It made me laugh!! I'm glad she's getting all the {{{Hugs}}} she can get!!! :)
I haven't "known" Kendall long - so my hugs can be smaller!! :)
Great to see you back online, Kendall! I am hoping and praying that all goes well for you this time. In the short time I have known you, you have been a great support and I hope I can be the same for you.
I have heard that when the mom is more active, the motion rocks the baby to sleep - lets hope that's why BManzII was not moving when you were! :)
you look great kendall! praying for you today! may Jesus carry you!!
you look so beautiful!!!
forget the obstetrical wisdom...i felt #2 moving between 14/15 weeks. they say you feel it much sooner the 2nd and following times because you know what to expect. So go ahead and say this baby was eager to make his/her presence known at 14 weeks ;)
after knowing a number of people who have experienced loss such as yours, I find myself being more....fearful (for lack of a better word at the moment). When i suddenly realize i can't remember the last time I felt the baby move, I am instantly brought to prayer (and some time laying down in the position the baby usually moves around in). I hope you are able to continually able to 'allow' yourself to enjoy this pregnancy, your growing belly, and every precious little kick your baby makes.
Beautiful indeed! So nice to read how everything is going so well. Have faith and trust that it will. I too have small fears some days wondering if everything will be okay with this pregnancy. But it's all in God's hands we can only embrace what He lays upon us or reject it. I am praying for you and looking forward with you.
Again Kendall...the HOT mama!!! and that shirt is a great color on you!
so excited for you guys with your new home and Lord willing (and always praying) soon with your baby.
Kendall you look beatiful!!! Praying for you and baby lots!
P.S check out my blog if you're interested in cloth diapers for baby. It might be of interest to you.
beautiful pics Kendall! Bigger hugs from AZ :-). I will pray for you and your fears. Continue the fight with the full armor of God!!!!
love you and praising God for His faithfulness! Susan
HI Kendall,
I am Vicki's Mother and when she told me about you I HAD to read all about you and the sad passing of Autumn. I can't even begin to think what that must have been like. I've wanted to write to you, but didn't know if I should.
BUT, I HAD to tonight because you are the most amazing person!! Your words of God and your strength and the way you write just has me mesmorized! My son and his wife are expecting a little girl right around the time you are, and I am thrilled beyond words, this will be their first.
I will continue to keep you in my prayers and pray that your precious little boy/ girl will come out heathy and strong and will help, a little, heal the hurt in your heart. I can't wait for the u/s and just pray that the outcome will be be PERFECT:)
You are an amazing Woman and I love to read "Your Word!" You have inspired me more than you could ever know! GOD IS wonderful and has guided me alot in my life, but I have asked "why" alot of times and you give Him such praise!!
My blessings are with you and your husband and the precious "little bundle" that you are carrying. Take care of yourself and know there are hundreds of us who are praying for you.
GOD Bless You, Nancy
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