Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Update (sorry this is the best I can do right now)

I just gotta say that gripe water is the best baby invention ever.



Unknown said...

What is gripe water? I've never heard of sucha thing.

Allie said...

I've heard of it but we never used it. I'm guessing you find it helps, Kendall? :)

Hope you're getting SOME sleep!!

allisonwhitehawk said...

Ahh yes, so glad you recommended that to me! It has helped Eva so much and thankfully I think she's finally getting over her gas problems. I'm excited for more updates, but I also hope you're getting as much sleep as you can possibly squeeze in!

Mrs Manz said...

Gripe water is a concoction that helps alleviate painful gas in little babies, Laur.
Tenley starts tooting in about 30 seconds and is asleep after about one-and-a-half minutes. LOVE it. :)
Overall, though, not a lot of extra sleep being had... if the girls would start coordinating their naps I think I could...
I'll make that my project for the next week or so. ;-D