Kurt decided that Saturday was finally the day to begin work on front yard.
For those who have been by our house (or TO it, as the friends who came over last Friday laughed about) the front yard leaves a lot to be desired. Perhaps even calling it a yard is a mild understatement. :)
I'm sure the original owners took great pride in ownership... the trees and cedars are truly beautiful. But 5+ years of renters has done little for the property. The front yard became characterized by overgrown trees, and a couple of scrappy/weedy "beds" under the windows where flowers used to grow. The so-called "lawn" had more dandelions than grass.
We've planned on doing this since last summer (our first "official" year of ownership) - but winter and lack of cash made it impossible until this year. We're enjoying the back yard (which I'll put some pictures up of later) and figured that June 23rd felt like an appropriate day to get going on the front.
Last week, Kurt rounded-up the front (thus the awful yellow-hue of the lawn compared to the other houses), and Saturday, he borrowed a sod-cutter from our neighbor and cut it all up... as I was taking the pictures, the was putting all the old sod into piles to be hauled away as soon as we can arrange it (ourselves or our friend with the Bobcat... hint, hint, Larry...) (chuckle)
Our plan is to edge around the trees (along the curvy lines) and fill in that area with gravel... and put in underground sprinklers and new green sod for the rest of the yard. What a capable man I married! He did such a fantastic job of the backyard last year that I have no doubt the front will have terrific "curb appeal"!
Besides the fact that it was 24 degrees with 60%+ humidity ("Blech!" says the prairie girl), the day was great for yard-work. After these pictures were taken, I had taken out Kurt a lighter-weight shirt, plus lemonade and brownies... but he was still a tad dehydrated for the rest of the day.
The dog didn't really seem to appreciate his air-conditioned luxury... thus his mournful staring out the window as his master put true "sweat-equity" into the property. As it was, I had taken Oscar for a walk that morning and he was nearly falling-over by the time we got home because it was so muggy.
Stay tuned for more updates as "we" continue to work... ;-D
Trees in your yard? Real, live trees? And green, to boot?? WOW, what that must feel like, I have no clue! I think I'd probably spend the first couple of weeks going outside periodically to make sure they were still there:)
Were you in the boat when it broke? And does Oscar like swimming?
Thanks for the link:)
Yeah: green trees. :) Come visit - in the summer - so you can experience it. (lol)You can even bring Dudley.
As for the boat - I wasn't in it - but my girlfriend and I started to get worried when our husbands didn't come back for over an hour. So they were in it and then had to take it out... nothing dangerous (like sinking), but quite the hassle for them.
As for Oscar: I'm sure he would swim... I'm just opposed to "wet dog" smell... although in hindsight it rained anyway... so much for that.
Glad you got my replies on your blog - I've been trying for a long time... and this is the first time they took. Talk to you soon!
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