Sunday, May 11, 2008

Scenes from Manzville - May 8th, 2008

After scrounging around in my parent's fridge Thursday night, I pulled out a container of pasta that my dad hadn't finished (imagine that) from our outing to Poverinos.

Mmmm... chicken, and jalapeƱos.... just what the growing belly (newly released from most forms of nausea) ordered!

Just to be safe, I asked Kurt, "Did we go there on Sunday?"
meant "last Sunday"- meaning "May 4th, only 4 short days ago".

Kurt replied, "Um... yeah. It was Sunday."

I ate the pasta. It was so good, I even contemplated having another serving. However, I got distracted by Lost and realized I didn't need anymore. Saved by the show...

My parents came home and asked what we had eaten for supper.
"Your leftover pasta." I told my dad.

He looked at me, widened his eyes and did a gag face.
"Yuck." He said. "That pasta was almost 2 weeks old - and it sat in a hot car all afternoon. I wouldn't have eaten it!"
Then he laughed. So did Kurt.
Great support, these 2 wonderful men in my life.
Yeah, the sarcasm is dripping from that statement. (chuckle)

But seriously - Eee-ewww.
I can't drink milk one day after the expiry date. Talk about trauma.

For the record - if my dad (mister "Don't be silly, Kendall. It's fine.") won't eat it, it's really risky.

When I looked accusingly at Kurt, he said (between chuckles), "I agreed to Sunday, but I thought you'd remember it was almost 2 weeks ago!"

I blame this lapse of food judgment on preggo-brain.

Fortunately, a few days have passed with no signs of food poisoning.
For this I am very grateful. :)


Unknown said...

And how! Yuk! That said, I often eat things that old :) And so far I'm ok! I am glad you are ok.
I love you. I love you. I love you.

Vicki said...

Oh GAK!!!! I'm SOOO glad you are ok!! Just what you would have needed!!!
Yeah - way to go guys!!! (rolling my eyes!) ;)

Anonymous said...

At least you didn't drink the milk!