Thursday, February 26, 2009

What A Face...

Enjoying the Jolly Jumper while mommy peeled potatoes for supper.
That is the very definition of a smirk, don't' you think? (lol)
Thanks Gramma & Grampa! :)
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Anonymous said...

Totally agree! Maybe she's eying the potatoes already? LOL!

Victoria said...

Wish I had had one of those for Samantha. Peyton is getting so big :)!

Mrs Manz said...

It's just one of those ones that hooks onto a door frame. :) Kinda hard to use it in our living room - but all the rooms with doors work great! :)

ByHISgoodGrace said...

I think that smirk says a whole lot about that little girl's personality. You are in for it girl! Looks like your days are going to be filled with lots of giggles.

Holly said...

She's growing up - what a beauty! Enjoy every minute! My oldest is almost 10, I think that's crazy! Time flies!

Holly said...

She's growing up - what a beauty! Enjoy every minute! My oldest is almost 10, I think that's crazy! Time flies!