To all those who have been and continue to pray for our family - thank you. The comments and emails have been so good for my heart.
Today the tears came. The timing was strange, though. I was about to get on the treadmill and checked email before I turned on my blog music. The comments poured in - and just reading them, I broke down. I felt my way over to the chair in the corner of our office and wept.
I'm so thankful Kurt was here to hold me... but my tears brought such a sense of relief. The catharsis was almost tangible. I felt I could breath again - deeply and down to my toes - and that has been a challenge as the grief has built up over the past few days. I am thankful to my faithful God... I know I am not alone. I am blessed to have so many carrying me to Him when I feel too weak to do it alone.
I'm not out of this yet - but I am feeling the glimmer of hope. So thank you again.
With love,
Still thinking of you :) Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Lord willing... if it's not too cold! Love you Kendall!
Still praying for you and Kurt.
Wendy in Maryland
Hi Kendall: We have hi speed down here so I am able to read your blog and OH HOW I appreciate that. I have not yet figured out how to listen to the video's but it will come I think. You and Kurt have been in our prayers continually, as has uncle Bruce only 3 years ago to day Amanda was admitted to emergency and Monday the 14th will be the anniversary of her death. It seems I relive her death and Autum being still born like it was yesterday. I can only imagine how you and Kurt must hurt. I am ever so grateful to our wonderful Savior for choosing salvation and a deep deep faith for each one of us . Without that I cannot fathom how anyone can cope at all. Be sure to send grandpa and I some vidio'so of Payton at Christmas time. Jesus is the reason for the season. Kendall keep up your trust and faith no matter how down in the dumps you get. God is great and He knows what is best in every situation. We miss you and with that being said we are also enjoying our time here together. An absolute gift from god A GREAT HUSBAND, Wonderfull MarriAGE, 3 great kids and very thoughtful and loving grandchildre and a very precious great grandaughter Payton .Love grandma and grandpa
We are certainly still praying for you. Glad that today you could find some relief.
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