Today was the second of my Bi-Weekly Grace Fellowship Ladies Tea. I hope that I'm not the only one who feels like it's relaxed and a good place to just get to know one another better as we press on and try to minister and encourage one another. If you were there: don't forget to pray for your person! :)
(FYI: Everyone wrote their name, date and a few prayer requests on a card which we randomly drew from a bag so that everyone would know that someone was praying for them for the next couple of weeks. I hope it works... praying for people always helps relationships grow. :))
Ummm... my parents are leaving for Hawaii on the 19th. I'm sure it will be hard for them to leave us here. ;) We'll be watching their house for some of that time (not to be too specific for those who would wish to remove from us all our worldly possessions) and making sure that their 50" plasma is okay without them. ;) I'm only sorry the Brier will be done by then. Nothing like curling on the big screen with surround sound... I am not being sarcastic.
We will - Lord willing - be listing out house next week. The realtor is coming Monday afternoon to take pictures - with the plan to put it on the market on the 19th. Hopefully it will sell quickly. The realtor is pretty optimistic that with the market being so hot that it won't last any longer than 5 days. If the Lord works that out, I'll be pretty happy. If He doesn't... then I shall determine to be content regardless. :) It's pretty exciting... and a great time to be living in Saskatoon. Kurt read in the Globe and Mail that the two hottest housing markets in the country right now are Newfoundland and Saskatchewan. Go figure...
Anyway - we gave the guys downstairs their 24+many hours of notice to make sure the floors are visible and the counters clear. :) Hopefully it won't be to much of a challenge for them with midterms, etc.
I had kind of a rough night last night. I was thinking about the morning Autumn was born, and just how sad it was. The more I remember, the more I realize what a sense of shock pervaded the entire experience... I can't believe I was ever pregnant - let alone gave birth to a beautiful little girl. It's hard to believe she would have been 5 months old on the 21st. It's hard to choose to not dwell upon it - but sometimes I really just have to make that choice. There are better times than others to grieve... and better ways. But I'll continue to walk this by God's grace. Thanks to those who continue to pray for Kurt and I. :)
Oh - one last story!
Kurt and I had quite the adventure the other day. On our way to Swift Current (another road trip) and out in the boonies between Davidson and Eyebrow (the second is really the name of a town - check it out here) on a grid road we hit some ice and washboard and ditched the truck doing at least 90kms. Kurt handled it really well, though - and steered straight in. (If you try to pull it out you'll probably roll as soon as even one tire hits the snow... it's really much better to ride straight and still be intact.) Fortunately, there was at least 4 feet of snow in the ditch that slowed us down, the air bags didn't deploy, and we didn't take out the farmer's fence. Unfortunately, because the underside of the truck filled with snow (from bottom to top) the truck immediately stalled. And it was -18. Kurt dressed up and started walking to the "nearby" farmer's house... which was actually about 2 miles away. That farmer wasn't home. (I had said before he left the truck, "What if he isn't home?" and Kurt said, "I'm sure he'll be there." Ahem.) But he had taken his phone and was able to call my mom to look up tow-truck companies. Long story short (3 hours later) we were pulled out by a tow truck from Craik. He charged $1.80 a kilometer... but it was worth it to get out of the ditch. The bright side was that the nice warm March sun kept me pretty cozy in the truck even though it was pretty cold out. In fact, when I was standing out of the truck when it was being winched out, I actually windburned/frostbit my face - so I'm super glad we didn't roll and break windows or anything!
Kurt and the tow truck driver then had to dig all the snow out from under the hood, around the radiator, fan belt... everything - so that the truck could start and stay running. They did a pretty good job... and the truck ran well for the next 2 days, and there don't seem to be any lingering negative effects - but it was a pretty crazy adventure! :) Of all the times to not take my camera... it would have been great to post a picture of our half-buried truck! I was just really glad we weren't in the car - which probably wouldn't have had much of an undercarriage left...
So! :) I think that will suffice for now. Thanks for checking, everyone - especially when I haven't been the most faithful with posting during the last week.
PS: Let me know what you think of the "Charlie" video! I still laugh every time I watch it! :-D
Thanks for your faithfulness to post! So glad you survived the ditch! Sounds like a good time to relax in front of a 50" plasma.....I LOVE the Charlie video. We've watched it here about 6 times! Even got a chuckle out of my husband, who isn't that easy to amuse......we'll be praying the house will sell quick.
Keep us posted on the house... Glad you survived the ordeal on the road. Not good.. It's a good thing you all came out of it still in one piece and not frozen up.... I laughed at the Charlie video clip. I will show it to my children tomorrow. They are gonna love it!
Glad your back to blog world. I was wondering how you're doing
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