About a year and a half ago I found Emily's blog. Her daughter - Alivia - had cancer. The blog was really her mommy's journey through the diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately her death. Emily didn't post too much after that - but I put her blog on my reader anyway so I could catch updates as they came.
This past month or so it was revealed that they were in the process of adopting a little boy. He was born the day before Peyton - but was much, MUCH bigger. :)
Griffin Allen Haughery
Griffin is about as cute as they come - and it was such a blessing to "hear" her joy after a hard and sorrowful year.
As it turns out (and as you can see on her blog) right before he was going to come home with them, the birth mother changed her mind and took the baby. It was horrible for them - but then - miracle of miracles - she changed her mind again and they got him back.
They've had him for one month, (less a day) and she has posted "regular" (well, about as regular as I post) updates with pictures. But tonight she posted
I cannot imagine losing
two children - and my heart breaks for her. Please pray for this family.
no way. i read that girls blog about her daughter. i sobbed and sobbed when olivia died. i stopped reading it until just now when i went and re-aquatinted myself with them. oh wow. i will definitely be praying. thanks.
I found your blog via Alivia. Emily's family attends a church my husband and I visit.
thanks for the update and I will be praying. I can't imagine her feelings. Very sad!
It was through Emily's blog that I found yours! And I'm grateful for that!!
I'm so sick right now. I have such a lump in my throat and in my stomach. I am just in shock. I just cannot comprehend this. HOw can this happen?
My heart too is breaking for them! I can't imagine...
Thanks for posting about that. It broke my heart and just hit so close to home. I will definitely pray for sweet Emily.
I am a friend of Emily's and was so moved by your post that I checked out your blog only to find little Griffin gracing your pages. We cannot underestimate the power of prayer. This family has reached so many through their journey - thank you for extending your heart and hand to them.
May God greatly bless your family-
I found your blog through Emily's and I was so affected by your post...it described how my husband and I are feeling too. I can't imagine their pain.
My best friend had her first daughter stillborn. Her baby girl went to be with Jesus at the end of her labor unexpectedly. Reading your blog reminds me so much of walking through that loss with her. She now has a son who is 2 1/2 and a newborn baby girl. I myself lost a daughter halfway through my pregnancy due to a placenta abruption two years ago this December and I cannot imagine going through what Emily must be going through. My heart just aches for them.
May the Lord bless you and your husband and your precious baby girl. Someday, we will all be reunited with our precious babies. We have one foot here and one foot in heaven.
This is horribly sad - what some people have to go through in there lives - I pray for a happy ending for your friends.
Andrea Z
I am praying. God is good.
I found your blog through Emily's. Thank you for the post about Griffin, they need all the prayers they can get.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, Peyton.
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