Kurt was out doing yard work last night and turned around to find Oscar shaking his head like crazy. I guess a yellow jacket decided to take on the Bull Mastiff... poor puppy. These pictures were taken last night - I thought maybe we should change his name to Rocky Balboa. :-D He's kinda funny looking with one good eye and the other swollen... lets just say he is now perfecting his "not impressed" look.
For anyone who is concerned - the swelling has gone down a little today - but we're keeping an eye (ha! good pun!) on the injury to make sure nothing worse happens. For anyone who also follows Life Out Loud - and my post yesterday - perhaps this is judgement on Oscar for eating Morning and Evening. (lol!) Kidding - sorry Oscar!
Goodmorning Oscar
Oh, your eye looks soo sore today.
I sure hope that your owners give you lots of TLC as I know you will need it today!
Maybe they will even buy you a NEW
doggy bone - you know, the kind you really like :)
Ty is feeling really sorry for you right now.
Hope you feel better, really soon
Take Care!
That is really a "not inpressed" look! Poor Oscar! Hope you are feeling better soon.
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