Friday, October 30, 2009

Canada's Next Top Model

Don't you just love the pose? (snicker)
My Grandma made the sweater she's wearing - cute, huh?
I hope for her sake that she doesn't still have those sweet little cankles when she's 16...


Lindsay said...

oh, she is too cute for words!! :)

Carol said...

Very cute - both the little model and her sweater!

Beth said...

One word....ADORABLE!!!!!

Mrs Manz said...

Beth: I know, right? Can't you just picture her and Drew as a cute and chubby little baby-couple. (lol!)

Unknown said...

you crack me up!

Norma said...

Love the sweater - and the cutie wearing it! I'm sure she'll lose the baby fat before she is 16.:)

M or J said...

You alive out there, girlie? I was talking about you today and it dawned on me that you haven't updated your blog in forever (because 11 days is forever for you. :))
Just checking in and thought I'd say Hi! Hope all is well!