Thursday, July 5, 2007

"Good morning ankles!"

I've been feeling mightily frustrated with the world of blogging. I put up these wonderful, exciting posts (perhaps I think too highly of them... lol) and the the pictures all disappear. I'm trying to decide if it is worth the effort to reload them - because I have now figured out what I did in the first place... long story.... but lots of effort to redo something - when the majority of people who will look, have looked already. Any thoughts on this? If you missed the pictures, let me know - I'll put them back up. But as it sits, I'll probably just leave it alone.

On another note: after 3+ days of swelling, faithful pressure-stocking wearing, and foot elevation, I've woken up to once again see my ankle bones. What a wonderful feeling! I'm sure by tonight they will be engulfed by fluid again... but I'll spend some time enjoying them today before that happens.

The Life Out Loud blog is also my new interest: I've been spending lots of time reading, checking and replying to it - and the lovely ladies who post there. Check it out - lots of personality to be enjoyed, and the Lord is honored... I'm humbled to be part of it. :)

I've made a firm decision: sort-of. I've told a few people of my desire to effectively scrapbook Kurt and my first 4 years together (funny how nicely it rounds out for anniversary and baby arrival). I have a couple of days off, and Kurt is on the road again... I'm contemplating getting started on that. Yikes! Once I'm started, it is easy... it is the gearing up to organize that is hard. This morning I made a list (monthly) with year divisions October 2003-October 2007 and I'm filling in events that I remember (read: have pictures of) beside them to have an idea of what kind of stuff would have to be in this album - the number of pages for each event/adventure/normal daily activity... I still have some pictures from the old 35mm... but the rest of the digital pictures would have to be sent to Costco or Walmart for development then picked up - plus we're on a budget (who's idea was this to get pregnant???) and I don't want to get too overboard - but I do have most of my materials (paper, stickers, pens... if they still work)... Ugh! Do you see why I'm waffling? And yet, if I don't get started soon - it might not happen until after the baby comes - and taking my mom's example... I might not remember the particular details of our honeymoon when my first child is 24 years old! (Mom, that wasn't a shot - really... lol!)

And, as mentioned above, the love of my life is taking a short road trip again. When he gets back - probably late Friday night - we'll turn around and head to Alberta again to watch some under-20 World Cup action - I'm pretty excited about that... as long as I don't think about what my ankles are going to do on the way there, or during the games. (Edmonton is about 5 hours away.) Right now, the forecast for Edmonton on Sunday is only 21 (that is 70 for my American friends) with clouds, but the low is 8 degrees (46)... so that isn't too bad. If it sticks. Thinking about us on Sunday? Check out the current Edmonton conditions (you might have to refresh so it is up-to-date) and you can either laugh or pray for me. :)

We're also going to take the time in Lloydminster to get together with my cousin and her husband and two kids on Saturday night - she's giving me a crib - I'm sure that will make the baby real if only for the reason that we should prepare the room to put the crib in! :) Very exciting!

Speaking of baby, I read the most hillarious article the other day about views of pregnancy. We've all seen the Hollywood version of pregnancy - the "Yummy Mommy" so to speak: see the paralells with the rest of us here. I laughed out loud and passed it onto a girlfriend of mine who is expecting soon... thought others might find it humerous as well.

This was a mess of randomness... but I wanted to put it out there that I'm still alive - blogging and thinking. Happy July 5th - keep your ankles elevated!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kendall,
Very funny website on the yummy mummy.
I also could not get some of the pictures you sent, but I know how difficult the computer can be, so perhaps I'll see them later off your camera.
See you in Edmonton:)
p.s. glad you have your ankles back:)

Mrs Manz said...

Hey Shiela,
I put them back up (the police ones) just for you - thanks for reading... I can't wait for Edmonton... I'm bringing the bagels (might even splurge for the 'Great Canadian Bagel' type... we'll see. :)Run on reply here... ending now. (lol)

Anonymous said...

Kendall - scrap 'em now before the baby comes! I'll root for you from down here:) Personally, I tend to spend much more time planning on scrapping than actually scrapping - one can never plan too much!
Be sure and share a page or two when you're done, k?

Mrs Manz said...

The planning is kinda what is psyching me out... :) I think about what a huge task this is going to be and think... "Um... maybe I'll eat lunch first." FOR A FEW WEEKS! ;-D Seriously, though - getting a time line done was a great step... and last night on the phone with Kurt we remembered a few more things... while marveling that we are already at the stage in life where we have forgotten certain events until pressed... great zooks.

Anonymous said...

Well I finished the first of my projects tonight and thought of's your weekend going? Any progress on the scrapbook? :)