The ultrasound yesterday was delightful. That is simply the most descriptive way I can think of to describe it. We confirmed that she is - indeed - a girl. That part was very obvious and not hidden at all - much to our relief. But due to her position and the big pocket of fluid around her head we got to spend a really, really long time looking at her face. She's a chub! Seriously - this kid's cheeks and lips are so plump and healthy looking - even on the ultrasound. I'll see if I can cut and past a picture. For almost the entirety of the ultrasound she had her feet up by her head - but - again - thanks to the fluid we were still able to see her in all her chubby-cheeked glory. :) She would not open her eyes for anything, though - and at the end of the ultrasound declared it was over by unceremoniously rolling over and facing down. I hope she's more accommodating to pictures when she's born...
The tech spent a lot of time looking at her heart - all chambers and valves look healthy - and her little lungs are doing lots of practice breathing. We were even able to see the fluid moving in and out of her nose as she's preparing for the real thing. Everything is really well formed and although the cord is near her shoulder, there was (yesterday) nothing looped around or knotted. The only thing the radiologist said when he came in the room was, "She's a really big baby." No kidding: she's measuring 5 lbs 13 ounces! That estimate can vary a pound or two in either direction - but with the way I've been feeling it didn't shock me at all that she was so big. It makes me feel better about a 38 week induction, too! At this rate, she will still be almost 8-ish pounds - but that's better than a 9 pounder. :)
Thanks so much for all your prayers...
mmmm chubby cheeked goodness! i've LOVED following you through your pregnancy...praise the Lord that the end is near and you will soon be able to meet your precious baby girl. she IS precious indeed, so so loved & has a big sister watching from above. blessings to you today kendall.
ohhh...ultrasound pictures are so much fun! What a blessing for you to be able to spend so much time watching your little one, how gracious God is to give us those extra gifts!
Thank you also for visiting and commenting on my was fun to see your name there :o) The faithful prayers of fellow believers are indeed a sweet blessing!
Oh, she's 8 pounder is perfect! Jack was 9 lbs 2 oz and I still cringe when I say it!!
She looks like a person!!!! Thanks for the humanoid pictures. I CANNOT wait to see the real deal. It's amazing, though, she looks like you and Kurt already!
I'm still praying for you! My recent baby was 9 and a half pounds. It was HORRIBLE for me but I got through it!!
Hoping and praying that big healthy girl stays that way! :)
awwww! i'm so excited to see & hear that all is well sweetie! and i can't WAIT for you to have that beautiful baby girl in your arms. :) i'm thinking about you tons & sending you a hug today. love ya.
So maybe I'm the only slow one here...I've been staring at that second ultrasound picture and am still confused. I assume it's the face since you mentioned her cheeks. Can you orient me? I feel like I'm looking at one of those 3D pictures (which I have never been able to see the image in) :)!
Oh yes, congratulations on being sure it's a girl. Now everyone can load you up on cute little Sunday dresses!
I LOVE ultrasounds ~ Just a little sneak peak!
Great to hear that she is healthy. Hope you are feeling good and that the next month goes by quick but slow enough that you can enjoy these last few weeks with the little one blessing your belly :)
Hey Victoria,
That is a face - you're right. :)Don't worry about the details. I feel like such a pro now - I've had so many ultrasounds (chuckle)...
You can see the two eye holes at the top and the nose bump in the middle and then she has round little cheeks (better on your left) and a pretty clear mouth hole. Hope that helps. :)
Thanks to all of you for your comments, prayers and love. It means more than I can say. :)
I would agree 8 lbs is a great size, I had over 9 and then 11 and I say again 8 would have been a treat!!!
The Fannons
She looks--beautiful! Wow, I've never seen an ultrasound pic look that clear. It even looks like she's got full lips and a very cute nose!
OK, try this for size (pun intended)
9lbs13.8oz and
9lbs11.something oz
...and they were all born 1-2 weeks early! Yikes.
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