Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Day of Grace

Today was a good day. It is amazing how quickly I can slip in and out of tears - laughing one minutes and crying the next. I asked Kurt if I was freaking him out a little bit, and he simply hugged me and replied, "No, Kendall."

What a rock I've married. :)

I had another massage today - and she said that my neck "felt better". I guess that strained muscles give off heat. (?) So I was less "hot" than last week. Interesting development. Also nice to be able to look to the right and the left. Honestly, some of the major tension departed after Autumn's funeral on Friday. Plus, I know people are praying for me...

When I left the office there was the cutest little girl, there... only 6 months old - all smiles and giggles... and you know what? It only made me a
little bit sad. For this I praise God - I do not want to become a bitter woman who begrudges others their happiness.

Kurt also vacuumed today.
Only because he didn't want me to do it... chuckle. All these beautiful flowers have "flower pieces" falling off of them - and they are all over the floor. I've held myself back from dusting... not really a difficult task since I hate dusting. :) But with the new pictures we have around, I'd kinda like to put them on dust-free surfaces. Tomorrow's task, I guess.

I also wanted to take the time to thank some people I've been unable to acknowledge yet: for all those who have commented on the blog - I read and
love all your comments. God uses you on an almost daily basis to remind me of His goodness - and how blessed I am. Family, friends, strangers - thank you for reaching out to us.

Laurie: I understand exactly what you meant about wanting a trial to grow closer to the Lord. How many times in the past did I think the exactly same thing - and then pray, "But I don't
really want trials, Lord..." :) Although I would not have picked this (and still struggle with being overcome with grief and despair) I do realize - more than ever - that God has got me firmly in His grasp. I love Him more than I ever have... and that brings more joy than I would have thought possible in these circumstances.

Andrea Z! The flowers you left for us are beautiful... I realize I don't even have a current email address or phone number for you - so drop me a line to my old PAWS account to let me know how to get in touch with you.
(Another picture: don't we look like proud parents? Such a little nose... but I can see where Kurt thinks she gets it from me.)
I'm going to go eat some supper now - funny how my appetite is non-existent... but thanks to our friends, and their generous food deliveries, my husband is staying fed. :)

God bless!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kendall

I sure am happy you are finding relief through your massage treatments. Continue to take good care of yourselves. Get lots of R & R :)

Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

God Bless for "Days of Grace" they are a much needed retreat given to us from our Lord to heal ourselves. Continue to take care of eachother.
Kendall Sorry I have no email address to contact you with, but you can get a hold of me at your leisure if you would like at my email address which is my full name all small no spaces or anything @sasktel.net

Andrea Z